Thursday, September 23, 2010

title 4

If I were Sal I would think my dad and Mrs.Cadaver were going to get married.I would talk to my dad and express my feelings to him.What I think happend to Mr.Cadaver is that mabye Mrs.Cadaver murderd him.


  1. Thursday, September 23, 2010
    title 4

    If I were Sal I would think my dad and Mrs.Cadaver were going to get married.I would talk to my dad and express my feelings to him.What I think happend to Mr.Cadaver is that mabye Mrs.Cadaver murderd him.

  2. I'd definitelt talk to my dad and tell him that they can be friends, but nothing more. And it is Sal's buisness definitely. I bet Mrs. Cadaver did kill Mr. Cadaver. I hope she did, so that the story could get an interesting twist.
