Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Walk Two Moons Post #3

This blog post is a free post. You may write a paragraph about whatever you would like to say about the book. Before you post, please read what others have written and try to comment on their comments, too. Make this a discussion post.

Have fun!


  1. Well my post is gonna be about three things. first the weird names are common for native americans, Dont think gayfeather in the wrong way. second GAYFEATHER IS SALS GRANDMOTHER NOT HER MOM HER MOM IS CALLED CHANHASEN IVE HAD TO POST THIS SAME COMMENT ALOTE OF TIMES BY KNOW I DONT KNOW HOW PEOPLE DONT UNDERSTAND GAYFEATHER IS THE GRANDMA NOT THE MOM!!!!!
    third I predict that something bad is going to happen to grams because of the snake bite if you agree with me please comment about it in your post

  2. daniel

    i think that at the end of the book sals dad will propose to mrs cadaver and that sal is going to do anything possible to stop their marriege. and maybe she is ngoing to find mr cadavers cadaver jajajajaj. and you can say its obious that sal is going to re love and this book is going to have a happy ending. i think that something bad is going to happen to sal and their gramps in tha car.

  3. @Nicolas Young

    I agree with you, Nico. Maybe the grandma of Sal will get sort of sick, or maybe she will be more weak the rest of her life. Is it Danny who does not understand that Gayfeather is the grandmother? I bet it is Danny, because he kept asking that same question the other day. I think it was weird that the teen boy appeared out of nowhere with a knife and said the lake was private property. Where did he come from? It is so weird. Please someone comment on this.

  4. @nicoas young

    I agree with nico about the weird names like gayfeather and salamonica. I think cause of the snake bit and gramps need to be moving he will slowly start to get sick and die. I also think grams will do some thing dangeras with a knife and injure or worse kill some one like grams [ gayfeather ]

  5. I made a few connections during the book so far; one was that if I were Salamanca's mother, I would want to be calld my real name too, not Sugar. I don't remember what page it was on but I think it was in chapter 18.


  6. oops on my comment i mean called not calld

  7. ok ummmmmmmmmmm I dont no what to write soo
    my rooom got a new make over and whos travel girl again ohhhhhh I love this bloging thing

  8. @daniel marscicano

    I think the same... But If I were Salamanca´s dad, I would not trust Chanhassen anymore and would not love her like I did before. It would be hard for Sal.

  9. My own Post

    This theme has been killing me the whole book... I do not like Sal´s mom. Yes, we get it that she was not good enough for Sal´s dad... And that she had to clear her mind... But that is no reason to abandon her house, daughter, and husband lying that she would return. She compleatly broke Sal´s and his Dad´s heart.

  10. @danielle jhonson

    I love youre connection, but can not connect to it... I think Chanhassen left a dirty mark in Sal´s dad´s heart when she said that and when she cut her hair... She over did it.

  11. I believe that we will be able to learn a lot about the cities in U. S. A. I also think that dad will marry Mrs.Cadver, however I think there will be a happy ending, one way or the other.

  12. i agree with ju young, because i also think that Sal's dad is gonna marry Ms. Cadaver however i also think that sal's mom is gonna go back home so it will end in a kind of happy ending anyway.

  13. @ nicolas

    i don't think that she is gonna die because they already said she was gonna be all rigth

  14. i know i spelled right wrong sorry

  15. I think Mrs.Cadaver is evil. I am kind of thinking it was a bad idea for sals dad to be with her. Maybe she will chop Sals dad into pieces. Maybe shes a potential lunatic too. And plus I think Mr. Cadaver got killed and burried on where now the bush sits. I just get spooked out by Mrs.Cadaver.

  16. I thought that when the snake in the river bit Gram and she went to the hospital she was going to die. But luckily she only got sick from the venom. Thank goodness it wasn't a very poisinous snake. I also thought that when the boy tried to save her by sucking out the venom and spitting it out, he was doing a very dangerous but heroic thing because he could have swallowed some of the poison and gotten very ill.

  17. Ale's Own #3 Post

    I think that when Sal gets to her destination her mother will be married to another manor will be dating another man or might as well be gone from there and nobody knows were she went. I think this because this book is fool of sad or weird surprises. I also think that Phoebe's mom will leave her family for ever and Phoebe will be sorry about how mean she was to her mother.
