Friday, September 17, 2010

Walk Two Moons Post #1

Choose one of the following things to post on about Walk Two Moons:

Topic 1: Have you read a Sharon Creech book before? Based on other Sharon Creech books you have read, what do you think the characters will be like? What do you like about Sharon Creech's writing?

Topic 2: Give some examples of conflict you have seen in this book and explain what types of conflict they are. (man vs. man; man vs. self; man vs. environment; man vs. God, etc.)

Topic 3: Make some predictions about the book. What do you think happened to Sal's mother? What do you think she is going to find when she finally reaches her destination? What do you think happened to Phoebe's mother? PLEASE USE EXAMPLES from the book to justify your predictions.

Your post is due by Tuesday.


  1. Mrs Deutsch's example comment:

    Topic 3:
    I think Sal's mom is .......because.........happened in the book. I think when Sal gets to her destination, she will find.............. because.............. Phoebe's mom is probably........... because.............

  2. Topic 3

    I predict that Sal is going to meet her mom at the end because in the book it is written that she is going to visit her mother. I think Phoebe's mom is probably dead because parents are not likely to leave there child alone.

  3. Topic 3

    I predict that Sal's mom is just living somewhere else because in the book, it says that Sal, her grandma, and grandpa Hiddle are going to visit her. When Sal reaches her destination, I think she is going to find her mother because so far in the book, it sounds like she is really confident, so it seems like she will find her. I think that Pheobe's mom is dead, because like Ju Young said, parents are most likely not to leave their children alone.

  4. topic 3

    I think that sal is going to find something strange when they arrive to they're destination, somthing that will surprise her or them, somthing that they didnt expect.

  5. Topic 3

    I predict that Sal, her grandma, and her grandpa will see her Sal's mother because in the book it say's so, but I think when Sal tries to convince her mother to coming back she will say no and some reason why she wont come back.

  6. Topic 2:
    I believe that the type of conflict seen in this book is man vs man. I think Sal is probably mad at herself because her mother is not with them. You can see it because she has plans trying very hard to convince her mother of returning home. It might be possible that as we read, the conflict of the book might turn into a man vs god conflict because Sal's mother refuses to go back home, and therefore, Sal might think,"Why, god! Why was I created to live without a mom? Why was I created to be hated by my own mother!". If this happens, it might bring a lot of drama and interest to the book.

  7. TOPIC 3:

    I think sals mother got divorsed over a big fight or didnt like sals father. I think sal will find her mother with her grandparents (cause the book says so) and shell try to convince her to come back so she doesn't have to live with ms cadaver.

  8. TOPIC #:

    @andrew brierty:

    I think the exact same thing. The entire book is about the story that Sal is telling her grandparents, or at least its a big part of the book. The reason why Sal's dad is hanging out with that red-haired cadaver is because he is divorced, or at least planning to. Its completely obvious that he is slightly bothered by the fact that he is leaving Sal's mom. I mean, no normal person starts whacking a wall at 2 in the morning.

    As for the Phoebe's mom subject, I trully have no idea what happened to her. If a mother's big problem has to do with a lunatic (preferably I'd call the guy a WACKO), there is a million possibilities of what might have happened to her!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. topic 3
    i think Phebe´s parents should be dead, because no responsable parent leaves a child alone in a town.
    I predict Sal is going to meet her mother at the end of the book because most of the stories end in a happy ending, but lest say that it doesnt finish like that at least she might meet her in some part of the book.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Topic 2
    I think that Sal has already a self to self conflict. By what we read she does not whant to go to that trip because she doesn`t whant to be with her grandparents. But on the other side her dad whants her to go because when she is there the grandparents are quiet. She herself also whants to go and see her mother. So overall it is a 2 againts one conflict and it was ovious that the going side of the conflict won.

  13. I predict that Sal is going to meet her mom at the end because in the book it is written that she is going to visit her mother. i also think that a big part of the book is gonna be abot Sal's story.

  14. topic 1
    I think her writing is very good so far. She expanse a lot of detail that's very good.Her Charectors are very different then other charectors. she expresis there filings and it shows the way they feel

  15. I like bloging its fun also I saw a movie about bloging (hariet the spy)

  16. I think that Sal's mother said she never felt that she was good enough for Sals father and so she left them to be by herself and rethink the whole thing. I believe that Sal will find her mother very sorry that she left her daughter without saying goodbye. I predict that Sal and her mother will be sort of solemn around each other but they will soon start to love each other again. I'm not sure what happenend to Phoebes mom.
