Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog Post on A Book You're Reading

Hi literacy group,

This online learning is not nearly as much fun as having you all here in the classroom. I sure do miss you! You are doing a great job with your assignments, though. Keep up the good work.

Here is where I would like you to post about your book you're reading. Since you have only just started it, here is what I would like you to write about:

  • Tell us the title and author of your book
  • Tell us why you chose to read this book.
  • Descirbe the author's style of writing. For example is the story full of action, full of description, dialogue, or inner thinking?
  • We have been working on using action, description, dialogue, and inner thinking in our own writing. Think about the author's work you have been reading. Which of these four elements of writing does your author do best? Give us specific examples.

Put your post in the comments section of this post. Your post is due by Monday.

Stay in touch!

Mrs. Deutsch


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My book title is The Magicians Nephew.I chose this book because I like magic, and I also like series. I think the author writes his story full with dialog,and action. I think the writer is good at dialog. For example: "Why, if we can get back to our own world by jumping into this pool, mightn't we get somewhere by jumping into others? Supposing there was a world at the bottom of every pool." Like this example, the writer is good in explaining the event by dialog.

  3. My new book is Diary of a wimpy kid The ugly truth. This book is by Jeff Kinney, Im only familiar with one of his series it is diary of a wimp kid. But i am pretty sure he has much more series. He writes funny realistic fiction books. I chose this book because I like the series. I think that the author works best in Feeling because this book is all about what a boy is feeling about middle school and all that kind of stuff.

  4. The book I’m reading is called Point-Blank by Anthony Horowitz. I choose this book since I got hooked with the Alex Rider series. I liked the book Ark Angel (The last book of the series) so I decided to read more books to see how it all started. Anthony Horowitz writes with a lot of action. He is also good at writing his action scenes. An example: Barely knowing what he was doing, Alex found a last mound of snow and, using it as a launch pad, swept up into the air. Now he was level with the train ... now above it. He shifted his weight and came down on the roof of one of the cars. The surface was covered in ice, and for a momment he thought he would fall off the other side, but he managed to swing around so he was snowboarding along the roofs of the cars, jumping from one to another while being swept along the track-away from the gun-in the blast of freezing air.

  5. The book im reading is The Red Pyramaid by Rick Riodran. I chose this book because it was writen by the same auther as the Percy Jackson seires. This auther writes about action, dialouge and inner thoughts. He best writing is dialouge and inner thoughts. He uses them in battles between characters or when their on a quest to solve somthing.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The book I'm reading is Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfier. I choose this book because in class we read the first two chapters more or less and I got so hooked by it that I had to read it and I thought that this was a good oportunity.this author has a lot of dialogue a lot of description some inner thought but until now not a lot of action. He mostly does a lot of dialogue because there is like two main characters and they talk among them and artemis is trying to gather information so he talks with people

  8. Dear Mrs.Deutsch,

    The name of my book is called White Fang, and the author is Jack London. I chose to read this book because it is very interesting, but, it is also very sad! The auhtor used alot of description in this book. There is also alot of dialogue and inner thought. Plus, there is alot of action in it! The author uses all of the four
    elements in his book. This book is 271 pages and I read it in one night, because it is so interesting!

  9. Dear Mrs.Deutsch,

    The book I am reading is Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levine. I chose to read this book because people say that it is very good, and it looked interesting. Gail Carson Levine uses a lot of good dialogue, inner thoughts, and makes her characters communicate throughout the story a lot by letter/mail. Most of her story is inner thoughts/dialogue. Here is an example of how Ella and Prince Char write back and forth to eachother, though it is a bit long: Prince Char's letter: "I don't know when I learned I would be king. It seems I’ve always known it. But two stories are told, and I've heard them so often they seem to be memories. One has me as a hero; the other is not so flattering.
    A lute was given to me when I was six and my sister, Cecilia, was four. She coveted it and plucked at it whenever she could. Finally, i presented it to her, an act that signified to the servants that I would be a generous king. They never considered how indifferent a musician I was. My protestations that it was a small sacrifice to part with something I had little use for were taken as modesty, another find kingly quality.
    However, I'm not sure how modesty figures in my retelling the tale to you. I do so because I want you to know I have qualities that others admire. What you will conclude from the next anecdote I cannot guess.
    I was in the streets of Frell with my father when a man pelted him with an overripe tomato. While wiping at his clothes, my father spoke kindly to the man and ended by resolving his grievance. Afterward, I asked why the man hadn't been punished. When Father told me I'd understand by the time I became king, I said I didn't want to be king if people threw tomatoes at me. I said it seemed a thankless task.
    Father roars with laughter when he tells this tale. Now I know why: it is a thankless task, but tomatoes are the least of it."

    Ella's reply: "Mandy says there are two sorts of people in the world: those who blame everyone else and those who blame only themselves> I place myself in a third category: among those who know where blame really lies. You stand condemned. Your crime: too much zeal in the protection of those you love. A fault and a virtue. Heinous!
    Although you've revealed your shortcomings to me, I feel compelled to no such frankness. You must discover my faults for yourself. And, although you’ve said it goes against the grain, you must find a way to forgive them.”

    There are many more letters between Ella and Prince Char. Ella Enchanted is a really good book!

  10. I´m Reading the book ´´Cross my heart and Hope to Spy´´ by Ally Carter. I first chose to read this book because a lot of people had recommended it to me. And the other reason I chose it was because judging by the back part of the book (a fraction of the story) , the author seemed great. This book is about a spy girl who apparently got in big trouble. The author has this way to telling the story, that when the girl is walking on spy school, or doing things that are not normal, like transporting from a mall dressing room to the school, having her hand scanned, or being interrogated, seem normal and from the everyday life. On certain moments, Ally can really make you feel like you’re in the girl´s shoes. Her words and the way she describes things make you feel in some way connected. Even when the main character´s life is totally different from yours! Two of the things that Carter does best are dialogue and inner thoughts. Her dialogue is so well put and fits perfectly into the story. Her inner thoughts make you connect to the character and step into their shoes while you are reading. She doesn’t make inner thoughts like: Cinderella said, ´´Oh! I´m not going to go to the ball now!´´ Instead, she would do it like this: As Cinderella saw the beautiful castle from far across the distance, she thought to herself negative thoughts. ´´ The beautiful ball! I see the prince being hit by the stars, dancing with someone lucky out there that might be thinking, ´So this is love..´ and humming to the prince as she swirls her feet around the..ahh.. Why me?´´ she wondered. ´´Why did I have to be my stepmom´s servant?´´. She would add a dramatic touch and her signature signs like ´-´ or ´…..´ so that when you are reading, its easy to imagine how the character sounds or looks when she is talking or thinking. She is a great author. Specially very detailed with those kinds of things. Its mostly what makes the book most interesting to read.

  11. Dear Mrs.Deutsch,
    I have been reading Deep Down Popular, by: Phoebe Stone. This book is very descriptive and has a lot of inner thinking. I think the best thing that the author does of the four elements is describing actions and movements, she is also great at comparing actions to some other historical action. I chose t read this book because the title really got me thinking how can this book be. If the title already seems kind of descriptive of a person. The title are just three descriptive simple words. Thats why I chose this book.

  12. Dec. 15 Home work the adventures of sherlock holmes by unknown.
    The style of writing of unkmown is a very secretly way because you need to add a suspiciousvoice to the book when you read the diologue parts to understand what i am saying.
    I choose this book because i saw my dad finishing to read it and i got it and gt stuck with it till inhad to finish the story.
