Thursday, September 23, 2010

title 4

If I were Sal I would think my dad and Mrs.Cadaver were going to get married.I would talk to my dad and express my feelings to him.What I think happend to Mr.Cadaver is that mabye Mrs.Cadaver murderd him.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Walk Two Moons Post #2

Please choose one of the topics below to comment on. Remember to answer as completely as you can. Write a paragraph or two. If you are commenting after others in our class have already commented, feel free to make comments about their comments as well. This is a place for us to really discuss our books!

I look forward to seeing what you write!
Mrs. Deutsch


Topic 1: Choose one of the characters in the book and tell what you like about the way Sharon Creech has described this character. What unique characteristics does the character have? What makes him/her different from other characters in the book?

Topic 2: What do you think about Phoebe? Would you be her friend? Give some examples of things she does that would annoy you if you knew her. Why do you think she acts this way? Can you pinpoint anything in her life that would cause her to treat people the way she does?

Topic 3: Give some examples of ways Sharon Creech uses humor in her writing. What are some parts in this story that have made you laugh or smile? Why do you think she uses humor, as an author? Why do you enjoy reading stories that make you laugh?

Topic 4: If you were Sal, what would you do about your father's relationship with Mrs. Cadaver? Would you talk to your father about how you feel? Do you feel that Sal should express her feelings to her dad, or do you think it is none of her business? What do YOU think happened to Mr. Cadaver?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What I think happend to Sals mom is that she and her dad had a divorce. Pheobe's mom probably died or shes at the hospital.

topic 3

what I think happend to sal's mom could have been her mom and dad got in a fight and seperated and one of them got to keep sal. what sal might find out is her mom also found another guy.I think phebaes mom might of died or had a divorse.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Walk Two Moons Post #1

Choose one of the following things to post on about Walk Two Moons:

Topic 1: Have you read a Sharon Creech book before? Based on other Sharon Creech books you have read, what do you think the characters will be like? What do you like about Sharon Creech's writing?

Topic 2: Give some examples of conflict you have seen in this book and explain what types of conflict they are. (man vs. man; man vs. self; man vs. environment; man vs. God, etc.)

Topic 3: Make some predictions about the book. What do you think happened to Sal's mother? What do you think she is going to find when she finally reaches her destination? What do you think happened to Phoebe's mother? PLEASE USE EXAMPLES from the book to justify your predictions.

Your post is due by Tuesday.