Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog Post for December 15

Hi readers,

Please post your blog posts for today in the comments section below. Thanks!

Mrs. D

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog Post on A Book You're Reading

Hi literacy group,

This online learning is not nearly as much fun as having you all here in the classroom. I sure do miss you! You are doing a great job with your assignments, though. Keep up the good work.

Here is where I would like you to post about your book you're reading. Since you have only just started it, here is what I would like you to write about:

  • Tell us the title and author of your book
  • Tell us why you chose to read this book.
  • Descirbe the author's style of writing. For example is the story full of action, full of description, dialogue, or inner thinking?
  • We have been working on using action, description, dialogue, and inner thinking in our own writing. Think about the author's work you have been reading. Which of these four elements of writing does your author do best? Give us specific examples.

Put your post in the comments section of this post. Your post is due by Monday.

Stay in touch!

Mrs. Deutsch