Thursday, March 3, 2011

View From Saturday Discussion 2

Choose one of the following topics and write your response in the comments section:

Topic 1:
Think of parties you have attended. Write a paragraph describing a party where you felt totally comfortable and one where you felt ill at ease. (You need to write TWO paragraphs to answer this question fully.)

Topic 2:
Write about a time when you have misinterpreted or misjudged someone's actions because you didn't have all the facts.

Your response is due by Friday March 4.


  1. Topic 2
    I once thought that a friend of mine (in Korea) did not like me anymore because he wouldn't go to home with me like he usually did. It turned out that he had an extra class he needed to attend after school ends.

  2. Topic 1
    I felt very comfortable at the birthday party of a friend of mine, because we were able to play our favorite games, ride Go carts, and also , at the end, hit a pinata.

    I did not enjoy a party where many adults where, because they only talked about things I am not interested in. I had no one to play with, and I did not have any fun.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Topic 1

    I felt comfortable at my friend's birthday party in the U.S. because she was my friend, we played lots of games and had lots of good food, and everyone was nice to me.

    I did not like a party that I went to that was all adults because there were no kids and the adults just kept talking and talking and I was really bored.


  5. Topic
    I felt very comfortable on Ines's birthday party, because almost all fifth grade was there. Music was all around and I was dancing like crazy! I LOVED THAT PARTY!

    I felt uncomfortable on a party of my brother. (he is only 5)In that party there were small kids and adults. The kids were all running and talking about stupid stuff. The adults were talking about things that I dont understand. SO I WAS SOOO BORED!

  6. One when I was at a friend's party, my friend kept taking poeple somewhere and then they came back and everyone in the party went there except me so I got upset but it tuirned out that they where secretly going for coke and I didn't like it so he didn't even bothered to tell me.

  7. One of my first dance parties was Ximena's. First i did not want to dance because it was my first time, but when megan and lot's of other people helped me out and it turned out to be one of the best parties in the world.

    A party i did not like was one of my father's job party. It was at a park but the park was for little kids and there was barely any kid my age there so i was bored.

  8. I remember feeling ill at ease, when I went to Ximena's party. I did not know how to dance, so I was worried that I would mess up, but the other girls helped me learn how to dance, and I had a good time, but I also felt ill at ease because there was hardly anybody there I knew. I felt completely comfortable when I went to Andrew B's party, because I knew everybody there, and they were pkaying my favorite thing: soccer

  9. When I first moved to Luanda I met a kid who I thought would be my best friend from the time I met to the time I left. It turns out this kid should never of pasted the first grade. He was often rude even though he didn't know it but it really annoyed me and my friends. I then wished I had never of met him and should not of been his BF ( in his view ) in the first place.

  10. topic 2
    one day when I was in peru in first grade I was in the play ground waiting for it to be my turn to go down this huge slide, this kid pushed me down the slide head first into the sandy floor of the play gorund sand got into my eyes and I started crying from that day on I didnt talk to the kid anymore even though he was my friend but after a few weeks one of my other friends told me what really happened which was that the boy had been in a "war" against the girls and a girl pushed the kid that pushed me off the slide and we both ended up with sand in our faces. but unfortunatley I never got to appologize for not talking to him because by the time they told me the truth i had already moved to puerto rico.

  11. Here is Daniel's comment:

    One time I misinterpret someone’s actions was last month when I thought my brother was going to hit me so I pushed him and he stopped. But what he really wanted was to give me a hug because had just had a bad day of school.

    One party I felt really comfortable was at Andrew B party because I felt it was a pretty good party and a met (almost) all of the people that were in the party.
    A party I felt uncomfortable was a party of a girl I really never knew. I was all the time drinking coke but all this kids were playing Pokémon wile I was hearing music. (it didn’t take me long to realize they were about 3 years smaller than me.

  12. Here is Lola's comment:

    The most uncomfortable party I have been to was this year. My neighbors in eighth grade and she was having a party for her birthday. She had invited me to go to her party and that day my cousins were coming over. So she came when the party had started and she took us upstairs to her apartment. When we got there my cousin Isabella peeked. She pulled her head back in as quickly as possible and started laughing. The house was full of 8th graders it was so embarrassing. i was the oldest one of my family. My cousin Andres said he just came for the pizza but when he looked he said he was ready to go back. When my friend saw that we weren't coming she told the people to turn the music off and introduced us to everyone. I was so embarrassed felt super small everyone was huge. My other Isabel started to cry and complain that she didn't know anyone. And then she laughed and we went to have a good time.
    The most comfortable party was in Spain on the beach when i was turning two. It is my favorite because there were balloons in the shape of any animal. My favorite dog was also there. my grandparents had adopted her of the street. When they found her she was full of bite marks and scratches.But now she dead. Also my grandparents were there and i love my grandparents. Especially when i was a baby.
