Thursday, March 3, 2011

View From Saturday Discussion 2

Choose one of the following topics and write your response in the comments section:

Topic 1:
Think of parties you have attended. Write a paragraph describing a party where you felt totally comfortable and one where you felt ill at ease. (You need to write TWO paragraphs to answer this question fully.)

Topic 2:
Write about a time when you have misinterpreted or misjudged someone's actions because you didn't have all the facts.

Your response is due by Friday March 4.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The View from Saturday - Discussion 1

I hope you're enjoying The View from Saturday. Please post in the comments section your answers to the questions below:

1. What new words have you learned from reading this book? What do they mean?

2. What do you think so far of the format of this book? (Meaning the way the author has a chapter that begins with a story about the quiz bowl and then jumps to a personal story about one of The Souls.) Do you like the way it is written from different points of view, or would you prefer one narrator? Why do you feel the way you do?

3. Please write 2-3 sentences about the book. You can talk about something you like, something you don't like, a prediction you have made, a connection or inference you've made, or anything else you'd like to discuss.

BEFORE YOU WRITE - please read what the other students have written and keep their thoughts in mind as you write yours.

This post must be on the blog by Friday at the beginning of class.